Project 9000 - Qdoba Mexican Grill, 20 East Chicago Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60611
Post date: 01/29/10
For your convenience any of these files can also be printed at your nearest Kinko's store or your local print shop.
Plans & Specifications for Project:
To view a plan – click on plan name, open and save the PDF file. You must have Acrobat® Reader® installed to view.
Interior tenant space = 1938 sf
Patio space = sf
Seating = 47 seats
Patio Seating = 16 seats
Gas = CFH - 3" to SPACE BY LL
Electric = 400Amp 3P 120/208V TO SPACE BY LL
Water = 2" TO SPACE BY LL
Telephone = TBD
Subcontractor Bids Due Thursday 01-28-09 @ 2:00PM
Firm 52 day project schedule: Start Pending Issuance of Permit
Project Schedule: Start 03-01-10 - Turnover 06-09-10
To download drawings to your computer click:
Original Bid set of drawings can be downloaded from:
The bid drawings have been updated are now listed as Issued for Permit (and dated 01-18-10) drawings can be downloaded from:
Addendum #1 Qdoba 20 E. Chicago, Chicago 01-22-10.pdf
Addendum 2 Qdoba 20 E. Chicago, Chicago 01-25-10.pdf
Tenent Space Plan Tenant 24 E Chicago Ave 12-15-09 FINAL - 8x11.pdf
Chicago Ave LL Shell Space Specs - 10-21-09.pdf
Qdoba 20-24 E Chicago Ave R1 11-24-2009.pdf
Bid Drawings\G001 Title Sheet dated 01-08-10.PDF
Issued For Permit\G001 Title Sheet dated 01-18-10.pdf
Bid Drawings\G002 General Notes dated 01-08-10.PDF
Issued For Permit\G002 General Notes dated 01-18-10.pdf
Bid Drawings\G100 Code - Accessibility Reference Plan dated 01-08-10.PDF
Issued For Permit\G100 Code Accessibility Refereence Plan dated 01-18-10.pdf
Bid Drawings\G110 Site Plan dated 01-08-10.PDF
Issued For Permit\G110 Site Plan dated 01-18-10.pdf
Bid Drawings\A110 Construction Plan dated 01-08-10.PDF
Issued For Permit\A110 Construction Plan dated 01-18-10.pdf
Engineering Revision\A110 Construction Plan dated 01-18-10.pdf
Bid Drawings\A120 Finish Plan dated 01-08-10.PDF
Issued For Permit\A120 Finish Plan dated 01-18-10.pdf
Bid Drawings\A130 Reflected Ceiling Plan dated 01-08-10.PDF
Issued For Permit\A130 Reflected Ceiling Plan dated 01-18-10.pdf
Bid Drawings\A200 Interior Elevations dated 01-08-10.PDF
Issued For Permit\A200 Interior Elevations dated 01-18-10.pdf
Bid Drawings\A201 Exterior Elevations dated 01-08-10.PDF
Issued For Permit\A201 Exterior Elevations dated 01-18-10.pdf
Bid Drawings\A300 Enlarged Restroom Plan dated 01-08-10.PDF
Issued For Permit\A300 Enlarged Restroom Plan dated 01-18-10.pdf
Bid Drawings\A310 Patio Plan dated 01-08-10.PDF
Issued For Permit\A310 Patio Plan dated 01-18-10.pdf
Bid Drawings\A400 Door Schedule and Details dated 01-08-10.PDF
Issued For Permit\A400 Door Schedule and Details dated 01-18-10.pdf
Bid Drawings\A500 Millwork Details dated 01-08-10.PDF
Issued For Permit\A500 Millwork Details dated 01-18-10.pdf
Bid Drawings\K1 Equipment Plan dated 01-08-10.PDF
Issued For Permit\K1 Equipment Plan dated 01-18-10.pdf
Bid Drawings\K2 Plumbing Rough-In Plan dated 01-08-10.PDF
Issued For Permit\K2 Plumbing Rough-In Plan dated 01-18-10.pdf
Bid Drawings\K3 Electrical Rough-In Plan dated 01-08-10.PDF
Issued For Permit\K3 Electrical Rough-In Plan dated 01-18-10.pdf
Bid Drawings\K4 Wall Blocking Plan dated 01-08-10.PDF
Issued For Permit\K4 Wall Blocking Plan dated 01-18-10.pdf
Bid Drawings\P1.0 Plumbing Specifications dated 01-08-10.pdf
Issued For Permit\P1.0 Plumbing Specifications dated 01-18-10.pdf
Bid Drawings\P1.1 Plumbing Schedules and Details dated 01-08-10.pdf
Issued For Permit\P1.1 Plumbing Schedules and Details dated 01-18-10.pdf
Bid Drawings\P2.0 Sanitary Plumbing Plan dated 01-08-10.pdf
Issued For Permit\P2.0 Sanitary Plumbing Plan dated 01-18-10.pdf
Bid Drawings\P2.1 Water plumbing Plan dated 01-08-10.pdf
Issued For Permit\P2.1 Water Plumbing Plan dated 01-18-10.pdf
Bid Drawings\M1.0 Mechanical Specifications dated 01-08-10.pdf
Issued For Permit\M1.0 Mechanical Specifications dated 01-18-10.pdf
Bid Drawings\M1.1 Mechanical Symbols,Details and Schedules dated 01-08-10.pdf
Issued For Permit\M1.1 Mechanical Symbols, Details and Schedules dated 01-18-10.pdf
Bid Drawings\M2.0 Mechanical Plan dated 01-08-10.pdf
Issued For Permit\M2.0 Mechanical Plan dated 01-18-10.pdf
Bid Drawings\M3.0 Captive Aire Hood Detail dated 01-08-10.pdf
Issued For Permit\M3.0 Captive Aire Hood Detail dated 01-18-10.pdf
Bid Drawings\M3.1 Captive Aire Hood Detail dated 01-08-10.pdf
Issued For Permit\M3.1 Captive Aire Hood Detail dated 01-18-10.pdf
Bid Drawings\E1.0 Electrical Specifications dated 01-08-10.pdf
Issued For Permit\E1.0 Electrical Specifications dated 01-18-10.pdf
Bid Drawings\E1.1 Electrical Specifications dated 01-08-10.pdf
Issued For Permit\E1.1 Electrical Specifications dated 01-18-10.pdf
Bid Drawings\E2.0 Electrical Lighting Plan dated 01-08-10.pdf
Issued For Permit\E2.0 Electrical Lighting Plan dated 01-18-10.pdf
Bid Drawings\E3.0 Electrical Power Plan dated 01-08-10.pdf
Issued For Permit\E3.0 Electrical Power Plan dated 01-18-10.pdf
Bid Drawings\E4.0 Electrical Riser and Schedules dated 01-08-10.pdf
Issued For Permit\E4.0 Electrical Riser and Schedules dated 01-18-10.pdf
Concept Services
Midwest Cabinet Company