Project 9000 - Qdoba Mexican Grill, 20 East Chicago Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60611
This page was last updated on 12/26/2009
Payment Requests & Change Orders
Requests To Ownership For Direct Payment Of Services Rendered:
To be eligible for payment for services rendered for this project a signed subcontract, completed W-9 and certificate of insurance must be on file in FJDC's office.
All requests for payment for this project must include: 1) Invoice reflecting actual work performed in place less current contract 10% retention; 2) Completed and signed partial and/or respective final waiver of lien, signed and notarized with any respective backup material and/or sub-sub waivers.
All requests for payment for services rendered at the site shall be submitted by fax or email by no later than midnight on the following dates:
Green Indicates application submitted
White Indicates previously approved and paid
Blue indicates future submittal date
Complete requests submitted after the above referenced dates shall be held over and submitted on the next submittal date.
After approval of submitted request for payment, payment shall be made available by owner for pickup or delivery in approx. 10 days from date of submittal.
The payment of progress payments to the Subcontractor shall not be construed as an absolute acceptance of the work done up to the time of such payment but the entire work is to be subject to inspection and approval by the owner and/or architect at the time when the General Contract is completed.
Change Orders: